The Philosophy of Grace Part 3

by Creflo Dollar | 5 Jul 2015


Everyone has a philosophy, which is simply a set of values and beliefs through which we view the world. With that in mind, when we examine how philosophies are formed, we must ask ourselves how and where these ideas came from. As Believers, how we look at an issue is based on God’s Word, which we see as the final authority. Every philosophy produces fruit, and if that philosophy is not derived from the Word, it is a wrong philosophy which will lead to wrong conclusions.  

A. What goes on in our head is important.
  1. We must beware of the way the world’s philosophy affects our way of thinking (Colossians 2:8).
    1. We should not let the devil steal what we already have.
  2. God has already given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
    1. We already have prosperity, healing, and deliverance.
  3. The Scriptures warn us against letting ourselves be carried off as spoil by accepting philosophies contrary to Christ’s teachings (Colossians 2:8, AMP).
B. In the Old Testament, we see the devil getting an early start to try and set himself up against God.
  1. In the beginning, God took man and put him into the Garden of Eden. He told Adam to eat from every tree in the garden except the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, or else he would die (Genesis 2:15-17).
    1. At this time, man still had his coat of glory because he was like God.
  2. The serpent came to Eve and introduced doubt into her mind as to whether or not God spoke the truth (Genesis 3:1-5).
    1. Because Eve wasn’t present when Adam received his instructions firsthand from God, she was more vulnerable to the devil’s philosophies.
    2. She added on to God’s warning, and spoke something that God did not originally say. The serpent took that opportunity to add his own twist to what God had commanded.


Scripture References

Colossians 2:8                                          Genesis 2:15-17

Colossians 2:8 , AMP                               Genesis 3:1-5

2 Peter 1:3

