The Contrast Between the Law by Moses vs. Grace by Jesus Pt. 1

11 October 2019


To properly understand the Bible, we must rightly divide and correctly analyze what we read. What was true under the law may not be true under grace; one of the most important distinctions we must make is understanding the difference between sin as an action and sin as a noun. If we fail to differentiate between the act of sinning and the old sinful root of a man, we can be born again but think that we are still sinners when we commit a sinful act. Although being born again makes our spirits sinless and perfect, we may still continue doing sinful things until we get into the Word of God and let it renew our minds. Sin has dominion over anyone trying to live under the law. However, when we are under grace, we are no longer under its authority. As believers, we can be thankful that we have been delivered from the results of our fruitless self-efforts under the law, and made recipients of changed lives through Jesus Christ.

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